Our Vision

Since I was a little girl my calling was always to help anyone in need.  There can be a room full of people and without a doubt my eyes gravitate towards someone in need of help.  It is that desire that led me to helping as many people as possible through missionary work, volunteering and dedicating my life to serving the poor.

I had a dream that one day I could travel to Kolkata, India and work with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.  My dream came true and the day I landed in Kolkata I realized nothing could make me happier than serving the sick, the dying and the poor. It is that dream that has walked me down the (path) of doing whatever I can to help those in need.

On a different trip to Haiti my life was changed forever.  It was where I saw a very young man die. His name was Darius and he believed that he had a second chance at life when he came to the Medical Clinic.  That dream was a short-lived dream as his body could not fight the very painful infection because of his lack of nourishment.  It is that experience which has inspired me to launch this non-profit organization and work towards solution to help the poorest of the poor!!

We follow the example of Jesus to show unconditional love to the poor!!!
We strive to serve every child and their family living in poverty!!!

Our mission is to feed the poor!!! We can no longer rest knowing that while we sleep there is a child dying from hunger and there is an adult suffering from hunger pains. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in this world who live in severe poverty. This includes the homeless, the hungry and those who need a helping hand.

We will be launching our own mission trips to poor communities around the world and providing them with food, water and supplies necessary for daily survival. We will also serve as a vehicle of faith, hope and love for these communities and work with their local leaders to assure that this is accomplished.

We aim for personal transformation and growth through every act of kindness. Our values are service to all, total integrity and an absolute commitment to change the quality of life for the poor.

Our absolute primary goal is to feed as many starving children and their families as possible every year. At Lulubelle Cares we believe in the power of the Human Spirit!!! Please join us in this amazing fight to stop hunger worldwide!!!

Get involved – make a difference!

With more support we can help a greater number of children and their families who live in poverty. We strive to help communities with the greatest needs. If you are aware of a community or group in need please refer them to Lulubelle Cares. If you are not able to make a donation you can still help by sharing our website on social media or with a friend. No Donation is too small!!

To get involved or volunteer please reach out to lulubelle@lulubellecares.org