No More Excuses

Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. We chase down ideas of what we think might make us happy, like the ultimate job, home, or marriage. These ideas bring us choices like what to believe, what to do, and what to buy. Maybe you are like me and find yourself asking why there is still a void in your life even after all these choices you made to make yourself potentially happy.

You can end that by making another decision and follow your passion like me. I have chosen to make others happy by devoting my life to alleviating the suffering of others. I will not stand by from a comfortable distance and watch another child suffer from starvation, malnutrition, and lack of basic needs.

Lulubelle Cares has been established to help children and their families receive a second chance at life. We are committed to creating lasting change. We will expand raising awareness towards the causes for the poorest of the poor. We are committed to helping volunteers find success and fulfillment through service work to the unwanted, unloved, and forgotten. What are some gifts that you could utilize to help serve the poor today?

Every day is an emergency for a family that is struggling to survive due to a lack of food, water, and shelter. It is a race for them to survive, and together we can provide them with food, hope, and love.

The list of good works enabled by your generosity goes on and on. Your prayers and sacrifices will make a real difference in the lives of real people who struggle to survive. Will you help today?

I don’t proclaim to be an expert in all of this, but I have dedicated my life in service of the poorest communities worldwide. Do you want to help Lulubelle Cares today?

I believe in a big way that this world needs life support through people who care for the poorest of the poor. I have asked myself for years, “what am I going to do about it?” Maybe you feel the same way?

Honestly, there is so much need in other countries and domestically that I can’t sleep because it hurts so bad. My destiny is tied to helping others, and that is why God created me.

We at Lulubelle Cares, strive to facilitate change in the communities we serve. We bring the love of God into their homes through acts of kindness, just like Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Will you join us on our mission to create lasting changes in the poorest communities worldwide?