
Since I was a little girl, my calling was always to help anyone in need. There can be a room full of people, and without a doubt, my eyes gravitate towards someone in need of help. It is that desire that led me to help as many people as possible through missionary work, volunteering, and dedicating my life to serving the poor. I had a dream that one day I could travel to other countries just like Mother Teresa of Kolkata and help the sick and dying.

The day I landed in Kolkata to make my dreams come true, I realized nothing could make me happier than serving the sick, dying, and the poor. It is that dream that has walked me down the journey of doing whatever I can to help the poor.

It was my trip to Haiti on a medical mission trip last year that changed me. This was where I witnessed the power of medical aid to the sick and dying. A very young man was carried for hours to the tallest mountain in Haiti to receive free medical aid at the clinic. They brought him into the church which served as the waiting room for the thousands of patients who came. For some of them it took days and long hours of walking through treacherous terrain to the top of the highest mountain in Haiti. This young man was 22 years old and had no mother or father but a loving uncle who carried him all the way to the clinic wrapped in a white linen sheet. I was told that when he was placed on top of a bench to lie down and wait his turn, the patients covered their mouths because of the decaying smell that surfaced as a result of his wounds. You might be asking if he was in a lot of pain. The answer was yes! He was in excruciating pain, and you know what, he was still smiling!

The young man died a few days later. Not from the painful disease he had, but from the fact that his body could not fight the disease because of lack of nourishment. His name was Darius, and he believed he had a second chance at life when he came to the Medical Clinic, but it was a short-lived dream.

It is that experience that has inspired me to launch this website and work towards solutions to help impoverished communities worldwide. Sometimes in life, it is not about the most you can do in life, but the least you can do to change someone’s life. God has sent us here as change agents to change the world one heart at a time. Change your world temporarily and change your life. We are called to do what we can and, in our own way, carry the gifts through our works one day at a time.

I can’t stand by and watch another Darius die. I have a dream to launch this website, and like any good endeavor, I am prepared to see it through the ups and downs. Because this is a force greater than me, and I will not rest until it is done. And that is only the beginning of my mission. Like any good idea, all the pieces don’t come together at first. But look out world, we are coming to feed your kids, and we will no longer stand back and watch you suffer because you have no food, no means to feed your starving children, and we are coming for you. Who will stand with me and face up to this challenge today?

Last Modified on September 3, 2020
This entry was posted in People We Help
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